Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ditch signs Big E to his Lethal Tender Music company

Ditch signs Big E to his Lethal Tender Music company

Rapper Ditch has just announced he has signed on 19 year old Florida Rapper Big E to Ditch’s Lethal Tender Music Company. In business and operated by Ditch since 2007, Lethal Tender Music was originally set up by Ditch and producer Bruce Fecteau as a way to manage the rights to Ditch’s celebrity filled album Public Intoxication. Ditch has since branded the name and used it as his promotional home, rights management, advertising, distribution and more. Up until now Ditch has been the sole artist on Lethal Tender Music, but signing Big E is a departure from that. Ditch says on the signing; “ I meet a lot of artists all over the world, I'm trying to find the needles in the haystacks, the undiscovered talent. Something new and exciting in music. Lethal Tender Music is not a record label, I specialize in getting my artists constant promotion online, getting their Cd’s actually released, putting them in touch with my contacts, getting them on shows, and making sure they have a strong internet presence because that’s what investors, and club promoters look at now a days. It’s just not enough to have talent anymore, you need someone to steer you in the right direction. That person, for the artists I choose to represent, is me…” Big E originates from Boynton Beach, Florida. Born and raised in southern Michigan, Big E was introduced to hip hop at a young age with artists such as; Tupac, Eazy E, Eminem, Snoop Dogg and other artists of the '90s. Relocating to south Florida in 2000, he was thrown into an atmosphere vastly different from the one in which he was raised. With no dad or father figure he had to grow up quick as the man of the house. He resorted to writing poetry to deal with stress and vent about issues he endured, leading to his creation of songs. His early music reflected events that occurred around him including but not limited to; homicides, robberies, drug dealing and personal experiences with excessive police force. As his career progressed his styling and subject manner began to evolve into something much more versatile. In 2011, he performed both days at the 13th Annual Million Marijuana March in Los Angeles, California, an event put on by DITCH which featured several other artists and celebrities. With one full length album, he has announced he has plans for a mixtape and another album to release before 2012 with Lethal Tender Music. Fans can hear Big E on Ditch’s official Lethal Tender Music website www.lethaltendermusic.com .

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